Friday, April 27, 2012

Feathered Friday: the Song Sparrow

Want to become a birder but don't know how? Join me here every Friday--on Feathered Friday--where I'll post an online video featuring the bird of the week. Keep a running list of these birds to add to an Online Life List. Then when you identify the featured bird outside--in your yard, neighborhood, or park--add it to your actual Life List of birds seen or heard. "Collecting" birds is great fun, but more, you open your eyes and ears to a whole new world of beauty and song!

It's another Feathered Friday and so time to add a bird to our Online Life List. Let's look at another member of the Family Emberizidae--the Song Sparrow. Sparrows, as a group, are often referred to by birders as "little brown birds" or LBBs. Sometimes sparrows are hard to identify, but the Song Sparrow's large central dark spot can help. Here's a lovely Youtube video by Lang Elliot:

The last photo I posted to this blog (before beginning Feathered Friday) was a Song Sparrow.  Jump down to my March 29, 2012, post to see a photo and my description of his song.

 Was I right?  You be the judge.

Till next time . . .  Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

I too up birding 4 years ago and have enjoyed it a lot ever since. So does my GSD Baron who get to hike along... :)