Friday, May 4, 2012

Feathered Friday: the Hermit Thrush

Week Six in my program Feathered Friday to get you "would-be birders" into the habit, when outside, of thinking and looking for birds. A good way to start is to learn about these birds online so that you can recognize them outside.

This week I chose to feature the Hermit Thrush because, of late, when walking my dog Bridget through the woods I've been hearing their  beautiful songs.  To my ear, the Hermit Thrush sings the most beautiful song of all birds. A pretty big claim, right?  But how can I describe it . . .  you'll hear soon enough in this video and also find how my words utterly fail in the attempt.  Even so, I'll try. When I hear the song of a Hermit Thrush, I think of bells, trickling water, and flutes.  Mix these musical sources together--somehow--and  what results is  heavenly. But you be the judge. In this video (produced by Spring Farm Cares Nature Sanctuary), you'll need to be a bit patient to hear his song, which does not appear until midway through.

In case you're keeping count, thus far the Hermit Thrush is the third thrush to be featured.  The other two birds  in the thrush family  (Turdidae) posted below include the American Robin and the Eastern Bluebird.  Check out their videos below and see what characteristics they have in common.

Until next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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