Thursday, March 29, 2012

Song Sparrow Taking a Break . . .

Song Sparrows are, as you can guess, great singers, but their songs vary considerably, so when first learning, you may find it difficult to identify them. But here's a good tip: if the song starts with a few crisp notes (3 or so) and ends with a trill of some sort, then it's likely you're listening to a Song Sparrow.

Of course, if you can see the singer, all the better. Then look for a reddish-brown and gray bird with heavy stripes on his chest. The Song Sparrow's has a dark central spot on his breast and a pair of malar stripes to match (on either side of his throat). These stripes are sometimes conspicuous and sometimes not. But if the sparrow you see is perching on bush or small tree in some open area, with nearby water, it's a good chance he's a Song Sparrow.

Until next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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