Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Field Sparrow of the Season

This morning I saw my first Field Sparrow of the season! I posted on this little sparrow last July (see 7/14). At that time I had no photo but instead provided a video (audio) of two exchanging territorial songs.

What a big contrast between the lush, summer scene (captured in that video) and the blanket of deep white winter snow, dazzling under a bright morning sun. Glancing outside from an upstairs window that looks down on my bird feeder, I spotted a small sparrow and ran for the binoculars. Here, finally, was a new visitor--a small sparrow with a clear breast (as opposed to streaked), softly shaded gray cheeks, a faded reddish cap, and dainty white eye-ring.

What is this sparrow? I said to myself. I should know it. Then I noted the pink bill (a telling characteristic that I completely failed to mention in my earlier post). And I knew--a Field Sparrow!

In my web search just now for a photo of this pretty sparrow, I reviewed various sites and photos (all copyrighted) but did learn that there is a seasonal distinction in the Field Sparrow's winter and breeding plumage. For instance, the winter plumage is less vibrant.

Well this time I did find a Public Domain image (happily) but the scarcity of such photos only emphasizes my need to learn birding photography. I'll be going again to Arkansas in early April. Perhaps this time I'll go armed with a camera.

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne Butler

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