Monday, April 25, 2011

My New Noisy Neighbor the Belted Kingifisher

Last week I was outside one evening when I heard a bird's chatter. At first I thought it was a Carolina Wren scolding me. But then I really listened. No, this sound was much louder and more like a harsh rattle or an old tin noisemaker, the kind you spin while holding its crank. (Last time I posted on the Belted Kingfisher was on 11/03/2009.) Then it hit me--I was hearing a Belted Kingfisher. And sure enough as I looked out toward the pond, there was the big-headed fish catcher, circling low over my pond, making quite the racket.

He took exception at my being there and quickly flew high into the trees banking one side of the pond. He was, however, quite accommodating and let me take numerous photos, none however that were very good, given it was past 7:00 pm, the light quickly fading. Not until he flew over the pond into a naked walnut tree did I get a good photo, not one of color but a great silhouette shot. (See directly above. Don't you just love his punk look?)

Much to my delight and surprise, the kingfisher has been here for several days, getting quite active and noisy in the evenings, though I just heard him a moment ago, rattling away. Yesterday I caught another image, one that better displays his attractive slate blue coloring. The female can be distinguished from the male by a reddish brown (rufous) band that runs across her belly.

Maybe I'll go out for a moment and see what my visitor is up to. Here's hoping he's eating well!

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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