On Sunday, a female Mallard visited my pond, staying the entire day. I noticed her in the morning enjoying a section of open water in the thawing ice mantle. Most visiting waterfowl don’t linger long because of my rude dogs that live to harass any and all “outsiders.” Yet this solitary lady ignored their rude barking and paddled about until my harassing hounds finally loss interest. (Image courtesy of U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.)
Though windy and cold, Sunday was another sunny day in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. At times, my duck visitor climbed onto the ice to stand motionless in the sun, perhaps sunbathing. Then I could easily see her bright orange legs and deep blue speculum (rear portion of the wing). This shiny mark is especially noticeable given the females otherwise dappled brown coloring.
The Mallard quietly shared our day until the light began to fade. Then she began to loudly quack, once again interesting the dogs. Who knows? Maybe she was just looking for a little attention. When the dogs and I came into the house, she was still outside. I wonder if she spent the night or flew on. Whatever, she’ll always be welcomed back.
Until next time . . . happy birding!
Georgia Anne
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