So what am I seeing and hearing this morning outside my kitchen window? Well, the regular group is here (those discussed briefly above): Black-capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, Juncos (though I haven't seen the Northern Cardinals this morning).
Otherwise, the neighborhood Blue Jays are making quite a racket (but then they usually do). Blue Jays are quite a boisterous species. Right now one sits atop the wooden support beam from which my feeders hang. It's calling aloud to its friends as if to say, "Chow's on!"
A moment ago, the pretty black and white Downy Woodpecker made an appearance. He never stays long; just grabs a seed and hurries off somewhere to pry open the seed shell. The male has a red patch of color on the back side of his head, while the female does not. Above you see the female Downy Woodpecker (image provided by Fish & Wildlife Service Digital Library).
This message is getting too long but I must mentione the finches that are here: American Goldfinch and the House Finch. More on these later. If you don't know these birds, look them up now at All About Birds!
Till next time . . . Happy birding!
Georgia Anne
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