Thursday, September 15, 2011

Song Sparrow

Yesterday I went out with the specific purpose of catching some bird's image--any bird--as my next Bird Blog post was due. Birds, however, are not typically agreeable about posing for images, especially once they spot you staring. And if such rude behavior doesn't trigger their flight, then your act of raising a camera surely does. But yesterday I was lucky.

I found this Song Sparrow (read interesting facts about the Song Sparrow in my March 25, 2011 post) preening himself, head twisted over a shoulder, billing digging into his feathers. So I sneaked up, every so quietly (as quietly as you can with a black lab at your feet) and clicked this image just in time for a frontal view. Of course, this was pure luck and the sparrow would have no more of it, flying up and away into a young walnut tree.

I did get what I need; so thanks for the pose, Song Sparrow. I appreciate it.

Until next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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