Monday, August 23, 2010

What's that clucking in my woods?

For a few days I heard a soft clucking in the woods beside my property. At first I was baffled by the sound, not allowing the obvious interpretation to take hold: the mystery animal must be a fowl-like bird. (Photograph of Ruffed Grouse is a Public Domain image.)

Then the other day while walking by the woodland's edge, I flushed several Ruffed Grouse that flew up into the trees. Now the only sound I've ever associated with the Ruffed Grouse has been that of the male who drums his wings in spring for a mate. Until seeing the amazing YouTube video below, I had never seen a grouse drumming, only ever heard it--a sound like a lawn mower being started.

So I rushed inside the house, eager to discover what a female Ruffed Grouse sounds like. It took some hunting because all the sources I found spoke of the male's drumming. Then, finally, I found an online description of the female's vocalization: "a hen-like clucking."

Wish I could share her vocalizations with you here, but maybe another time. For now, enjoy this amazing video of a male (in spring time) drumming for his mate.

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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