Saturday, August 7, 2010

Flash and Sparkle of the Ruby-Throat

Remember Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz? Remember those dazzling ruby slippers that sparkled on her feet? Now imagine yourself so adorned--an unlikely prospect for most.

Lucky for us folks living in eastern North America that the Ruby-throated Hummingbird makes his home here during the spring and summer.
Because then we can see that ruby flash and sparkle each time a male turns his head to look our way.

In fact, here I sit (6:43 pm Eastern Standard Time) on my chaise lounge enjoying the evening. Only moments ago I caught this image of a male Ruby-throat. Even in the shadows of the fading day, you can see a hint of his bright, iridescent red throat. Now imagine that spot of red ringing his neck and full throat in the bright light of the sun? It's not a sight you forget.

I never will.

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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