Friday, March 26, 2010

A Pair of Eastern Bluebirds

Yesterday I saw a pair of Eastern Bluebirds perched on a phone line spanning an edge of the pasture above my house. This season I've caught several glimpses of bluebirds in flight, but this was my first sustained view. And while I shamelessly ogled the pretty, poised couple, they watched from above as I progressed along a path below. (Photo courtesy of Ken Thomas.)

Their steady watchfulness as I approached seemed to me odd since birds typically take flight from encroaching humans. Pondering their unusual bravery, I suddenly remembered something I had forgotten to do--clean out the bluebirds' nesting boxes! (A line of four nesting boxes, each separated from the next by a couple hundred feet, face a grove of wild cherry trees on the hillside by my home.) My memory now jolted, the birds flew off. Apparently I had gotten their message.

See my post from last year (June 2, 2009) on the battle between Tree Swallows and Eastern Bluebirds for these same nesting boxes.

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

1 comment:

Gail said...

It brings me a lot of pleasure to watch birds. My husband builds a really nice Eastern Bluebird house. You can see it at