Did you ever wonder how this stout, streaked sparrow earned his name? For instance, all sparrows sing (in fact, the Field Sparrows on my property never stop singing! It’s almost annoying. Ha! I’m listening to one this very instant. If you want to listen, too, check my July 14 post). But back to the Song Sparrow. (Photo courtesy of Ken Thomas.)
Did he earn the title “Song” Sparrow because his is the most beautiful song? Perhaps the most cheerful? Or is it because he sings more than other sparrows? (No, the Field Sparrow would win that category.) Why then?
I think this russet and light gray sparrow earned his name because he loves to improvise, like a jazz musician. For instance, the song he’ll sing for you here is not necessarily what he’ll sing later. For instance, he may change the tempo or substitute a “buzz” for a trill. Confusing stuff for someone trying to learn his song. In this video, listen for the Song Sparrow to sing twice—at the start and then following a crow.
One last thing, Song Sparrows love to nest in dense piles of brush. So I save fallen tree limbs or woody shrub cuttings or anything that can be piled high to provide cover and protection for these lovely, sweet-singing birds!
Till next time . . . happy birding!
Georgia Anne
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