Friday, April 13, 2012

Feathered Friday: the Northern Cardinal

Want to become a birder but don't know how? Join me here every Friday--on Feathered Friday--where I'll post an online video featuring the bird of the week. Keep a running list of these birds to add to an Online Life List. Then when you identify the featured bird outside--in your yard, neighborhood, or park--add it to your actual Life List of birds seen or heard. "Collecting" birds is great fun, but more, you open your eyes and ears to a whole new world of beauty and song!

We started Feathered Friday three weeks ago, beginning with the American Robin, followed by the Eastern Bluebird (both members of the thrush family, known as Family Turdidae). Today we look at the Northern Cardinal, who belongs to the Family Cardinalidae. Historically birds were grouped in "families" based on their similar physical characteristics. Now ornithologists can also check their DNA for greater accuracy.

You'll enjoy this video as it contains interesting information you likely don't know. And the audio of the cardinal's song is great.

Until next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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