Friday, February 24, 2012

Bridget and the Bluebirds

I hold professional bird photographers in high esteem. With patience, precision, and technical skill they deliver crisp, stunning, and up close photographs of birds--more beautiful than typically we perceive with our naked eyes. Binoculars help immensely in the seeing but little with the study of these moving targets.

Now I'm no professional photographer, though I like to point and click my camera at birds when opportunity allows. And the other day when out to the pasture with my dog Bridget, it did, providing me distant, vague images--much like your own eyes might deliver--of a couple pretty Eastern Bluebirds. Can you find them hidden in the stubble?

Truth is, when you're out in the world (without binoculars), these are the fleeting images you might be graced with, if lucky enough to be looking.

Until next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

1 comment:

Gene Vermillion said...

Nice photographs And Bridget is quite lovely too.