Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Uncommon Yellowthroat

Let's set the record straight: there's nothing "common" about the Common Yellowthroat. While I know this adjective is meant to describe the masked warbler's population and distribution, I object, even so, to its association with such a delightful bird.

Not only is the male a striking study (the female is olive green on top with a yellow throat), but his song is also distinctive--one you can't fail to identify: "wich-i-ty, wich-i-ty, wich-i-ty" . . . is how it's typically described. Yet to my ears this fellow is saying, The witch is here! The witch is here! The witch is here! Granted, I don't think of myself as a witch, but I like the attention.

So until next time . . . keep birds in your heart. And see if you can't spot or hear an Uncommon Yellowthroat in your yard before they migrate south (to Central America) for the winter.

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