Monday, December 27, 2010

How could I forget the American Tree Sparrow?

Identifying sparrows can be tricky, especially when you've an uncooperative subject, like this one hiding within a sapling white birch, face strategically hidden. I could easily see his red-brown cap, which significantly narrowed the possibilities. But being somewhat lazy that day, I couldn't be bothered to pick up my Peterson's field guide to make the necessary comparisons. Instead, I posted the image to Facebook and waited for someone else to do my work. (Yes, I am embarrassed about that.)

Soon enough a birding friend and naturalist posted the following response: "Rusty cap at this time of year narrows it down to tree sparrow, field sparrow, or swamp sparrow. Prominent white wing bar suggests tree sparrow. Two-toned beak (black upper mandible, yellow lower mandible) is indicative of tree sparrow."

Of course--the American Tree Sparrow! How could I have so easily forgotten this winter visitor? (I've even posted on the Tree Sparrow before: 2/05/08). Too, I had earlier been watching a pair of rusty-capped sparrows at my feeder, each with a dark central spot on his breast, another identifying mark of the Tree Sparrow.

There's a lesson to be taken from this tale of muddled thinking and laziness: Never take birds (or birding) for granted or you may forget the avian friends you once knew, and what a shame that would be!

Till next time . . . Keep birds in your heart!

Georgia Anne

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