Another year-round visitor to my feeder is the Tufted Titmouse. Its big black eyes remind me of buttons, as if too cute to be real. Other notable traits include its “tuft” or gray crest and a black patch between its eyes. According to Cornell Lab of Ornithology (on its All About Birds web site), the titmouse doesn’t join a flock during the non-breeding season like other chickadees, but stays on territory with its mate. This then explains why throughout the winter I have many more Black-capped Chickadees (who flock together) and only a few titmice, maybe three pairs. (Photo is courtesy of Charles H. Warren.)
Like the Black-capped Chickadee who has a very recognizable call "chickadee-dee-dee," the song of the Tufted Titmouse is easy to identify and often written as "peter peter peter peter." Of course the clear whistled song of the titmouse is much more rapid and melodic. Listen to an audio file online to see if you can hear "peter" in this bird's song.
Until next time . . . happy birding!
Georgia Anne
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