Of all the year-round birds that frequent my feeder, I most enjoy the Black-capped Chickadee. This beautiful little bird seems braver than most. When all others have flown from my approach to the feeder, the stout-hearted chickadee stands his or her ground, sometimes awaiting the new seeds before flying off with one. (Photo courtesy of the Digital Library System of the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service.)
Today during my morning walk with the dogs, many chickadees were in the trees singing their sweet whistling song fee-bee or fee-bee-ee. These soft, lyrical notes are different than their more strident call: chickadee-dee-dee, which to my ears sounds like a sweet scolding. Whatever its music, the Black-capped Chickadee makes my winters a lot more cheerful. In the summer, when their tastes turn from seeds to insects, I miss their constant company.
Until next time . . . happy birding!
Georgia Anne
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